The Book of You
Natalie Moser
Photo Credit: © Natalie Moser Photography Dancer: Kat DeNicola
"The happenings of today, what you did, what you didn’t do, who you loved, how you loved, the breaths and steps you took– they are a paragraph, a brief passage, a moment in the story of you and your journey.
If you were reading the book of you, reading the paragraph of your day today, how would you feel watching the main character with all of her worries, complexities, longings, tasks, struggles, and choices? Would you feel empathy for the person on the page, would you feel like giving her a high five, would you feel compassion? Did she begin an adventure, dream of beginning one, take a single step towards that something or did she turn away from it. Was she true to herself and did she make her moments count?
Tomorrow is a new passage in your story. Make that paragraph count. Remember that stories arc; they bend. Characters develop… so will you and your story. Allow yourself the freedom to become your best self, your true self. Listen to your voice, practice, be purposeful, be present, and be gentle with yourself… one sentence, one word, and one breath at a time." -- Natalie Moser
I wrote the words above a few years back after the completion of a particularly amazing yoga class. At the time, I felt light and filled with energy, and my words rose up inside me beckoning to be expressed. It was a breakthrough moment for me not because I was able to do a new pose or hold a handstand for an extended period of time, but because clarity and illumination were present.
I look back at the chapters that I've lived since these paragraphs were written and feel excited for the heroine in the story. I look forward to the unwritten adventures waiting to take shape on the pages ahead of her. May she be happy. May she be healthy and strong. May she be filled with ease.